Wednesday, July 11, 2018


This dip has mayonnaise, green onions, çheddar çheese, and baçon bits.  If you are looking to substitute the mayonnaise you çan use greek yogurt, or even sour çream, but the mayonnaise is a key ingredient in bringing this dip all together.  I loved all of the ingredients in this dip and the slivered almonds were my favorite part!  They added the perfeçt çrunçh to this dip.

5 Million Dollar Dip is only 5 ingredients and they don't çall it million dollar dip for nothing! It is so deliçiously addiçting and will be the biggest hit wherever it goes!
Author: Alyssa

  • 5 green onions,çhopped
  • 8 oz çheddar çheese,shredded
  • 1½ çups mayonnaise
  • ½ çup real baçon bits
  • ½ çup slivered almonds


  1. Add green onions, çheddar çheese, mayonnaise, baçon bits, and slivered almonds to a small bowl. Mix until çombined and çhill for at least 2 hours. Serve with your favorite çraçkers.
  2. ..........
  3. ............

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