Friday, July 13, 2018

Breákfást Qüesádillás

These Breákfást Qüesádillás with bácon, egg ánd cheese áre án eásy breákfást or dinner ideá yoür fámily is süre to LOVE! 

Coürse: Breákfást
Cüisine: ámericán, Mexicán
Keyword: heálthy breákfást ideá
Servings: 4
Cálories: 641 kcál
áüthor: Láüren állen


  • 6 slices bácon
  • 6 eggs
  • sált ánd pepper , to táste
  • 8 oünces cheddár cheese , gráted or sliced thin
  • 8 floür tortillás
  • For serving:
  • sálsá, soür creám ánd güácámole


  1. Heát á lárge skillet over mediüm heát. 

  2. ádd the bácon slices ánd cook, türning once, üntil crisp ánd brown (or to yoür preference). 

  3. Remove to á páper towel-lined pláte. Once cooled, chop into pieces. 

  4. Wipe oüt á little of the bácon greáse from the pán. 

  5. Cráck the eggs into á bowl ánd ádd á splásh of wáter or milk. Whisk üntil smooth. 

  6. Poür eggs into skillet, seáson with sált ánd pepper ánd scrámble üntil cooked. Remove to á pláte.

  7. Cover one floür tortillá with á thin láyer of shredded cheese. 

  8. Top with some of the scrámbled eggs ánd some chopped bácon. 
  9. ..................
  10. ............................

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