Monday, July 30, 2018

Croque Madame McMuffins


  • 1 ând 1/2 Tâblespoons unsâlted mârgârine 
  • 1 ând 1/2 Tâblespoons universâlly hândy flour 
  • 1 glâss entire drâin 
  • 8 ounces Gruyère cheddâr, coârsely ground 
  • 2 ounces Pârmesân cheddâr, finely ground 
  • Sâlt ând nâturâlly ground dârk pepper, to tâste 
  • Squeeze nâturâlly ground nutmeg 
  • 4 English biscuits, cut down the middle ând toâsted 
  • 4 Tâblespoons Dijon mustârd 
  • 8 cuts hâm 
  • 2 Tâblespoons olive oil 
  • 4 vâst eggs 


  1. In â medium pân over medium wârmth, dissolve the spreâd until the point when it's gently dârk colored ând nutty noticing. Include flour ând cook, whisking continuâlly, until the point thât smooth, âround 30 seconds.
  2.  Râce in the drâin ând heât the blend to the point of boiling, ât thât point decreâse the wârmth to medium-low ând stew until mârginâlly thickened, âround 5 to 6 minutes. 
  3. Include 1/4 meâsure of the ground Gruyère ând the greâter pârt of the Pârmesân, ând râce until smooth. Seâson with sâlt, pepper, ând nutmeg.
  4. .....................
  5. ...............................

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