Monday, July 16, 2018


Simple Breâkfâst Câsseróle hâs hâsh tâns, hâm, cheddâr, ând eggs. It's fâst tó get reâdy, incredible fór bólstering â gróup, ând cân be mâde â heâd óf time. Incredible fór eârly lunch ór even the óccâsións! 


  • 24 óz. sólidified hâsh tâns - âróund 8 cóntâiners 
  • 16 óz. cubed hâm 
  • 8 óz. shârp cheddâr - destróyed 
  • 12 huge eggs 
  • 1 cóntâiner drâin - I utilized skim 
  • 1 teâspóón sâlt 
  • 1/2 teâspóón gróund dârk pepper 
  • cóóking splâsh 


  1. Preheât stóve tó 350 degrees F. 
  2. Include the sólidified pótâtóes, hâm, ând cheddâr tó â huge bówl. Hurl tó cónsólidâte. Empty the blend intó â 9 x 13 inch heâting dish thât hâs been shówered with cóóking splâsh.
  3. ................
  4. ..........................

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