Saturday, July 21, 2018



  • 2 sérvings Caramél Hot Chocolaté, arrangéd as coordinatéd. (I utilizéd Fannié May. Starbucks, Ghirardélli, and Land o Lakés all havé caramél hot chocolaté blénds too!) 
  • 2 containérs Icé 
  • 1/4 containér Caramél Icé Créam Topping 
  • 1 containér Non-Fat Cool Whip 
  • 1/4 containér Rolos, slashéd into équal parts (discrétionary) 
  • 1/4 containér caramél chips (discrétionary) 


  1. Includé thé réadiéd drinking chocolaté with icé in a bléndér. Mix until thé point that véry much joinéd. Add moré icé if nécéssary to maké thé drink as thick as could bé éxpéctéd undér thé circumstancés. (On thé off chancé that you don't approach thé drinking chocolaté, you can utilizé 2 parcéls of hot chocolaté blénd, 2 glassés drain, and an additional 1/4 méasuré of thé caramél saucé. Placé all in thé bléndér togéthér and mix until thé point whén all around joinéd)
  2. ....................
  3. ..............................

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