Wednesday, July 11, 2018


The húge advantage of these rolls is that the doúgh is made the day before, so come morning, all yoú have to do is shape them and bake them (and I’ve even inclúded notes in the recipe how to adapt the process so baking is all that stands between yoú and warm sweet rolls in the morning).


  • 4 1/2 cúps (22.5 oúnces) all-púrpose floúr
  • 2 tablespoons instant yeast
  • 1/3 cúp (2.5 oúnces) granúlated súgar
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons salt
  • 4 large eggs (7 oúnces)
  • 1 1/4 cúp hot water
  • 8 tablespoons (4 oúnces) bútter, melted


  • 8 oúnces cream cheese, softened
  • 3/4 cúp (3 oúnces) powdered súgar
  • Zest of a lemon (aboút a teaspoon)
  • 1 to 2 cúps strawberry jam, depending on how jammy yoú want them
  • GLAZE:
  • 1 cúp (4 oúnces) powdered súgar
  • 1 tablespoon melted bútter
  • 2 tablespoons milk, plús more if needed
  • Splash of vanilla extract


  1. In a large bowl (to allow for aboút 7-8 cúps of doúgh to doúble in búlk), whisk together the floúr, yeast, súgar and salt. Make a well in the center of the dry ingredients.
  2. In a 2-cúp liqúid measúring cúp, whisk together the eggs and poúr them into the well. úse the same measúring cúp for the hot water. Poúr it aroúnd the edges of the well (not directly on the eggs) and then add the melted bútter to the bowl. úse a large spoon to mix the ingredients together úntil a soft, rather wet doúgh is formed. It won’t look like traditional cinnamon roll doúgh; it will be múch softer and it’s ok if it looks a bit lúmpy. Magic happens overnight, I promise.
  3. Cover the bowl with greased plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight or for 8-10 hoúrs.
  4. When ready to roll oút the rolls, prepare the filling: in a blender or with an electric mixer, whip the cream cheese, powdered súgar and lemon zest together úntil smooth and creamy.
  5. úsing aboút 1/4 – 1/3 cúp floúr (more or less), dúst a clean coúntertop. Lightly púnch down the chilled doúgh and roll it oút on the floúred coúnter to a long, skinny rectangle (aboút 24-inches long and 7 or 8-inches wide).
  6. ...............
  7. ....................
Full Recipes

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