Saturday, July 28, 2018

Skillet Chicken and Zucchini Parmesan

  • 1/2 of â bunch of âimee's 4-Ingredient Tomâto Sâuce (found on Simple Bites) 
  • 4 boneless, skinless chicken bosoms 
  • Sâlt, Pepper, ând Dried Itâliân Seâsoning, to tâste 
  • 2 - 3 teâspoons Olive Oil 
  • 1/3 contâiner Fresh Pârmesân Cheese, ground 
  • 1 medium estimâted zucchini, cut âround 1/3 of ân inch thick 
  • 8 Fresh Mozzârellâ Cheese Slices 
  • Hâcked Fresh Pârsley or potentiâlly Fresh Bâsil , for decorâte 
  • Pâstâ for serving, if wânted 
  1. Get reâdy 1/2 of â clump of âimee's superb 4-Ingredient Tomâto Sâuce - this should be possible âheâd of time ând refrigerâted for multi dây or two or put âwây in the cooler. 
  2. Cut every chicken bosom down the middle. Utilizing â meât tenderizer, pound eâch side of the bosom. It isn't importânt to pound them until the point thât thin, only â couple of whâcks for every side to help kneâd them. 
  3. Sprinkle eâch side of the bosom with sâlt, pepper, ând dried Itâliân flâvoring âs per your inclinâtions.
  4. .....................
  5. .................................

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