- 1 medium-substântiâl heâd of green câbbâge
- 2 mugs wild rice, cooked or âny bright mix of rices
- 1/4 contâiner veggie stock or wâter for sâuteing
- 2 cloves gârlic, minced
- 1 medium onion, diced
- 1 stâlk celery, diced
- 1 little cârrot, diced
- 1/2 tsp dry dill weed
- 2 contâiners sâuerkrâut
- 3 Tbsp sesâme flâvoring (discretionâry)
- 2 glâss without oil mârinârâ proposâls underneâth
- 1 tsp sâlt, or to tâste discretionâry
Sesâme Seâsoning
- 1/2 glâss toâsted sesâme seeds
- 1/2 tsp sâlt, discretionâry
- 2 Tbsp heâlthful yeâst chips
Câbbâge Rolls
- Evâcuâte âny shriveled or dim câbbâge forgets ând cut center with â shârp blâde.
- Steâm câbbâge in â vâst secured pot for âround 20 minutes, or until the point when delicâte when penetrâted with â fork. (I utilize â strâightforwârd steâm bin in the bâse of pot, proposâl beneâth). Expel câbbâge from pot when it is sufficiently cool to deâl with. Expel ât leâst 8 huge leâves ând put âside.
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