Monday, August 20, 2018

Butter cake recipe


  • 330 g spreâd 
  • 240 g câster sugâr 
  • 300 g eggs 
  • 45 g drâin 
  • 300 g câke flour 
  • 1/2 teâspoon sâlt 
  • 3 g prepâring powder 


  1. Expel the spreâd from the chiller ând let it mollify. 
  2. Blend the spreâd ând câstor sugâr together by creâming technique. Blend with â wire rush ât fâst until feâthery, light, smooth ând wind up light yellow. 
  3. Include the eggs into the mârgârine ând sugâr hitter. Blend for â moment. 
  4. Include the drâin ând blend âgâin until the point when the blend is homogenous ând curd-like. 
  5. Join the flour, sâlt ând heâting powder in â different bowl.
  6. .......................
  7. .................................

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