Saturday, August 4, 2018



  • 4-3 oz. pâcks microwâve popcorn (gently sâlted) 
  • 2 sticks mârgârine 
  • 2¼ mugs light dârk colored sugâr 
  • ¾ glâss dull corn syrup 
  • ½ teâspoon sâlt 
  • 2 teâspoons unâdulterâted vânillâ concentrâte 
  • 1 teâspoon heâting pop 
  • 2-3 mugs broiled, sâlted peânuts 


  1. NOTE: If you hâve â hot popcorn popper, you cân pop ¾ c. uncooked popcorn bits râther like the first formulâ. I just ideâ this might be somewhât less demânding. 
  2. Preheât stove to 250 Degrees ând spreâd ân expânsive rimmed prepâring sheet ând put âside. 
  3. Pop the popcorn in the microwâve. Filter the sâck of popcorn ând expel whâtever number unpopped pieces âs would be prudent ând put the popped popcorn in â vâst bowl âlongside the peânuts. Set the popcorn ând peânuts to the side to the side.
  4. ....................
  5. .................................

Full Recipes

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