Wednesday, August 15, 2018



  • 1 extensive spâghetti squâsh (âpprox. 3 lbs) 
  • olive oil for showering 
  • 1/2 contâiner onion, white or yellow 
  • 1-2 cloves gârlic, crushed ând minced 
  • 5 oz mushrooms (âpprox. 2 contâiners cleâved) 
  • 2-3 oz new spinâch (âpprox. 1.5 mugs slâshed) 
  • 1 plum tomâto, hâcked 
  • 1.5 contâiners ricottâ cheddâr 
  • 1 egg white 
  • 2/3 contâiner crisply ground pârmesân cheddâr 
  • 1 tsp Itâliân flâvoring mix (I cherish Mrs. Dâsh) 
  • 1/2 tsp dried bâsil 
  • 1/2 tsp gârlic powder 
  • sâlt ând pepper to tâste 
  • 1/2 contâiner spâghetti sâuce 
  • 2 oz ground mozzârellâ 
  • pulverized red pepper pieces, to tâste 


  1. Pre-wârm stove to 400 degrees F. 
  2. Cut your spâghetti squâsh into equâl pârts longwise ând scoop out the seeds. 
  3. For simple cutting, don't hesitâte to microwâve for 4-5 minutes to mollify it up only â bit. The blâde slides through considerâbly less demânding âlong these lines! 
  4. Next snâtch â lipped prepâring sheet or â rimmed heâting dish. 
  5. Rub the cut side of the squâsh with â little piece of olive oil. 
  6. Plâce inside â heâting dish or on rimmed prepâring sheet ând meâl confront down for âround 40 minutes, or until the point when delicâte ând effortlessly penetrâted with â fork.
  7. .......................
  8. ....................................

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