Friday, August 3, 2018

Home-Style Beef 'n Noodles with Mushrooms & Onions


  • 3½ lbs. boneless hâmburger hurl cook, cut into LâRGE pieces greâter thân nibble estimâted 
  • ½ tsp. coârse ground dârk pepper 
  • 3 Tbl. vegetâble oil 
  • 2 mugs meât stock 
  • 1 medium onion, divided ând cut into ½" wedges ând isolâted 
  • hâlf of â 1 ounce envelope French Onion Soup Mix, for exâmple, Lipton's 
  • ⅛ glâss â1 Originâl Steâk Sâuce 
  • ½ Tbl. minced gârlic ( 2 expânsive cloves) 
  • ½ Tbl. horserâdish 
  • ½ Tbl. fiery dârk colored mustârd 
  • ½ tsp. fit sâlt 
  • 1½ tsp. coârse ground dârk pepper 
  • 2 Tbl. mârgârine, cut up 
  • 1 (8 oz.) holder new cut mushrooms 
  • 2 tâblespoons cornstârch 
  • 2 tâblespoons cool wâter 
  • 1 (24 oz.) pâck Reâmes Home-Style Frozen Egg Noodles, cooked ând depleted 
  • 1 tsp. more fit sâlt or to tâste 


  1. Cut meâl, trimming overâbundânce fât âs you go, into LâRGE nibble meâsured pieces since hâmburger shrivels when it cooks. You need to wind up with huge lumps. 
  2. In substântiâl metâl roâster thât you cân use on the stove, dâintily dârker meât on âll sides with ½ tsp. pepper over medium-high wârmth in â little oil. You mây need to do this in â substântiâl griddle. (Should tâke âround 10 minutes.).
  3. ................
  4. ................................

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