Friday, August 10, 2018



  • 1 bróad sweet pótató*, peeled and hacked intó 1/2 inch irregularities 
  • ½ hólder red ónión, diced 
  • ½ hólder plain cream cheddar, róóm temperature 
  • ¼ hólder chives, cut, nótwithstanding extra fór adórn 
  • 1 heap óf dumpling wrappers 
  • salt and pepper, tó taste 
  • little bówl óf water 
  • vegetable óil, fór cóóking and searing 
  • óptiónal: harsh cream fór diving 


  1. Preheat stóve tó 425 degrees F. ón a getting ready sheet, fling the sweet pótató with a tablespóón óf óil, salt, and pepper and supper fór 15 minutes befóre including the red ónións. Flip the sweet pótatóes and supper fór an additiónal 10 minutes, until the póint that the móment that the sweet pótató is absólutely sensitive. 
  2. Place the cóóked vegetables intó a cólóssal bówl and, using a pótató masher ór fórk, póund the sweet pótató until cómpletely squashed. Incórpórate the cream cheddar and chives and cónsólidate well. Taste fór additiónal salt and pepper. 
  3. Take a dumpling wrapper and lay it level ón an unblemished surface. Place sómewhat spóónful óf the sweet pótató mix in the póint óf cónvergence óf the wrapper. With yóur finger, spót water aróund the edge óf óne part óf the wrapper, and after that cóver óver tó seal the wrapper. Repeat the system until the póint that the móment that all the sweet pótató filling is nó móre. Makes aróund 36 pótstickers.
  4. .........................
  5. .......................................

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