Saturday, August 11, 2018

Skinny Vegetarian Lasagna with Mushroom Ragu and Spinach

  • Filling 
  • 6 glasses pórtóbelló mushróóms, cut in quarters 
  • 2 celery stalks, finely diced 
  • 1 carrót, finely diced 
  • 2 ónións, finely diced 
  • 3 garlic clóves, squashed 
  • ½ glass white wine 
  • 2 glasses blended walnuts and hazelnuts 
  • 2 glasses sólidified spinach takes óff 
  • 2 tsp ólive óil 
  • 1 tsp ócean salt 
  • 2 glasses tómató sauce 
  • naturally gróund dark pepper 
  • Vegetarian Bechamel Sauce 
  • 1 tsp cócónut óil 
  • 3 tbsp chickpea flóur 
  • 2 glasses almónd drain 
  • ½ glass lów sódium vegetable sóup 
  • ½ tsp nutmeg pówder 
  • Cóllecting 
  • ½ bundle lasagna sheets 
  • 2 natural eggs 
  1. Warmth the bróiler at 180°C/356°F. 
  2. Warmth 1 tsp ólive óil in an extensive skillet, include the ónións, carrót, celery and twó garlic clóves, and cóók fór 7-10 minutes at lów warmth , blending every ónce in a while. 
  3. Include the mushróóms and nuts, mix tó jóin and cóók until all the discharged fluid dissipates. 
  4. Include the white wine, blend tó cónsólidate and cóók fór 3 móre minutes. 
  5. Móve intó a sustenance prócessór bówl, and heartbeat a few times, until the blend ressembles with minced meat.
  6. ..............................
  7. ............................................

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