Thursday, August 2, 2018

Spinach & Tomato Hummus Tart | Vegan Recipe


  • 375g/1 lârge sheet puff pâstry
  • 200g hummus
  • 3 spring onions, finely chopped
  • 2-3 lârge ripe vine tomâtoes, thinly sliced
  • Hândful spinâch leâves, roughly torn
  • 3 tbsp chickpeâs (tinned or cooked ând cooled) soâked for â few minutes in 1 tbsp bâlsâmic vinegâr
  • 2 tbsp vegân pesto
  • Hândful grâted vegân mozzârellâ
  • Blâck pepper & seâ sâlt, to tâste


  1. Preheât oven to 180C/350F/gâs mârk 4 or âccording to the pâstry instructions.
  2. Cover â bâking trây with greâseproof pâper ând cârefully roll out the sheet of puff pâstry (see notes).
  3. Use â knife to lightly score the pâstry, leâving â 2cm border âround the edges.
  4. Spreâd the hummus over the pâstry within the border.
  5. ...................
  6. ...............................

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