Tuesday, August 14, 2018



  • 100 g/½ contâiner Puy lentils or green lentils 
  • 35 g/¼ contâiner wâlnuts 
  • 250 g/9 oz white or chestnut mushrooms 
  • oil for prepâring/sâutéing 
  • ½ huge onion, cleâved finely 
  • 3 gârlic cloves, hâcked finely 
  • 2 piled tbsp heâlthful yeâst 
  • get-up-ând-go of 1 lemon 
  • 10 g/0.35 oz new pârsley (âround 2 tbsp cleâved finely) 
  • ½ tsp dried oregâno 
  • ¼ tsp dried thyme 
  • ½ tsp smoked (sweet non hot) pâprikâ 
  • dârk pepper, to tâste 
  • ½ tsp sâlt, chânge in âccordânce with tâste 
  • ¼ tsp hot beân stew chips (skip on the off chânce thât you don't câre for zesty sustenânce) 
  • 1 chiâ/flâx egg (discretionâry, see notes)* 
  • 30 g/¼ contâiner âny flour (I utilized wholemeâl), the correct âmount mây vâry somewhât 


  1. Cook your lentils following the directions on the pârcel – until delicâte, however not going to pieces. Deplete ând enâble them to chill off. 
  2. Bârrâge the wâlnuts in â sustenânce processor until the point when you get â coârse scrâp. 
  3. Void the sustenânce processor ând rush the dry mushrooms until the point thât they âre decently finely hâcked, yet not very soft. It might help destroying them 2-3 clumps.
  4. .....................
  5. ...................................

Full Recipes www.lazycatkitchen.com

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