Thursday, July 19, 2018

Apple nächos with peänut butter änd chocoläte

äpple "Nächos" with nutty spreäd änd chocoläte shower. Näturäl product, protein änd chocoläte mäkes this än incredible sound nibble whenever! Vegetäriän, säns gluten, 5 minute sweet. 


  • 1 Fuji äpple (or cutting äpple of your decision), cut into 32 thin slices* 
  • 1/4 contäiner smooth nutty spreäd , liquefied 
  • 1/4 contäiner semi-sweet chocoläte chips , melted** 
  • 1 bunch of chocoläte chips (I utilized ä mix of smäller thän expected semi-sweet chips änd generäl meäsured dull chocoläte chips), for sprinkling ** 


  1. Orchesträte äpple cuts on ä pläte. 
  2. Shower dissolved nutty spreäd over äpple cuts with ä spoon, änd do likewise with the softened chocoläte.
  3. .....................
  4. ................................

Full Recipes

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