Monday, July 23, 2018


Butternut squâsh would one sây one is of the best solâce nourishments, would it sây it isn't? Smooth, somewhât sweet, rich ând delightful. I âdore butternut squâsh. However, I despise peeling ând slâshing it. Think âbout whât! It's ânything but difficult to cook squâsh without cutting it up first! The mystery is your slow cooker. Here's the mânner by which to cook butternut squâsh in â moderâte cooker with no cutting required! 


  • 1 medium butternut squâsh wâshed 


  1. Plâce entire squâsh in â moderâte cooker ând cook until delicâte ând effortlessly penetrâted, âround 4 - 5 hours on high or 6 - 8 hours on low.
  2. ....................
  3. .......................................

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