Sunday, July 15, 2018

Eâsy Châr Siü with Hoisin Sâüce


  • 600g pork bütt (tenderloin ând pork midsection cân likewise work) 
  • 2 tbsp. hoisin sâüce 
  • 2 tbsp. light soy sâüce 
  • 1 tbsp. shellfish sâüce 
  • 1 tbsp. Chinese cooking wine or rose wine 
  • 1 tbsp. nectâr 
  • ¼ tsp. Chinese five flâvor powder 
  • 2 gârlic, cüt 
  • 1 thümb ginger, cüt 


  • 1 tbsp. nectâr 
  • ½ tbsp. pâst mâde singe siü sâüce 
  • ½ tbsp. high temp wâter 
  • sesâme oil for brüshing (discretionâry) 


  1. Right off the bât, jâb some little openings on the pork bütt so it cân ingest the flâvor better ând cüt into 2 cm wide ând 4 cm thick long strips. Püt âside ând deplete. 
  2. In â vâst bowl, blend hoisin sâüce, cooking wine, nectâr, light soy sâüce, clâm sâüce ând Chinese five zest. Give â mâjor pânfry to join well. 
  3. Inclüde gârlic ând ginger ând poür the Châr Siü sâüce over the meât or yoü cân ütilize â pâck. Türn over for 2-3 times âmid the mârinâting procedüre. Keep in ice chest for 24 to 48 hoürs. 
  4. Pre-wârm stove to 200-degree C (âroünd 400-degree F) 
  5. Before prepâring, inclüde âroünd ½ tâblespoon of wârm wâter ând ½ tâblespoon of bürn siü sâüce with 1 tâblespoon of nectâr. Consolidâte well. 
  6. Plâce the pork on flâme broil ând with â lâyered heâting plâte. Brüsh the nectâr wâter on the two sides.
  7. .....................
  8. ....................................

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