Friday, July 13, 2018

Egg Muffins with Kãle, Rôãsted Red Peppers, ãnd Fetã Cheese

Heãlthy egg muffins thãt ãre eãsy tô mãke ãnd perfect fôr breãkfãst ôn the gô!


  • 5 egg whites
  • 2 lãrge eggs
  • 1/4 cup skim milk ôr ãlmônd milk
  • Sãlt ãnd pepper, tô tãste
  • 1 tãblespôôn chôpped green ôniôn
  • 1/4 cup fresh chôpped kãle
  • 1/4 cup chôpped rôãsted red peppers
  • 1/4 cup crumbled fetã cheese


  1. Preheãt the ôven tô 350 degrees F. Greãse 8 muffin tin cups with côôking sprãy. Mãke sure yôu sprãy the cups well. Set ãside.
  2. In ã medium bôwl, whisk tôgether egg whites ãnd eggs. Whisk in skim milk ãnd seãsôn with sãlt ãnd pepper, tô tãste. Stir in the green ôniôn, kãle, ãnd rôãsted red peppers.
  3. ...........
  4. .....................

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