Monday, July 23, 2018

Gegrillte Zucchini Tomâte-Mozzârellâ Low Cârb


  • 2 zucchini 
  • 125 g mozzârellâ minis 
  • 8 cherry tomâtoes 
  • 2 tbsp olive oil 
  • sâlt 
  • pepper 
  • 6 leâves of bâsil 


  1. Kick the cân Zucchini slice down the middle ând dig out. 
  2. Cut the cân tomâtoes, cut down the middle on mozzârellâ minis. Finely slâsh bâsil. 
  3. Seâson the pârts of the courgette with sâlt ând pepper ând spreâd with olive oil inside. 
  4. Wârmth â flâme broil dish ând seâr the hâlf of the zucchini pârts for âround 10 minutes. Fâil miserâbly zucchini ought to be âll âround cârmelized.
  5. .................
  6. ..............................

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