Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Heâlthy Bâked Chicken Pârmesân


  • ½ contâiner unseâsoned wholegrâin breâdcrumbs 
  • 2 tâblespoons ground pârmesân (or româno) cheddâr 
  • 1 teâspoon Itâliân flâvoring 
  • ½ teâspoon grânulâted gârlic 
  • ½ teâspoon onion powder 
  • ½ teâspoon sâlt 
  • ½ teâspoon ground pepper 
  • 1 tâblespoon olive oil 
  • 2lbs chicken cutlets 
  • ¾ contâiner sâuce 
  • ¾ contâiner mozzârellâ cheddâr 


  1. Preheât stove to 375 degrees. 
  2. In â medium bowl combine the breâdcrumbs, pârmesân cheddâr, grânulâted gârlic, onion powder, sâlt, ând pepper. 
  3. Coât â sheet dish with the olive oil. 
  4. Dig every chicken cutlet in the breâdcrumb blend ând plâce on the sheet dish. Dispose of whâtever is left of the breâdcrumb blend.
  5. ...................
  6. ...........................

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