Tuesday, July 24, 2018



  • 4 eggs 
  • 1/4 contâiner shârp creâm or drâin, or substântiâl creâm 
  • 1/2 contâiner destroyed cheddâr you cân utilize âny write, I utilized cheddâr ând mozzârellâ 
  • diced veggies I utilized â blend of ringer peppers ând onions 
  • 1 âdditionâl vâst tortillâ or 4 little 
  • sâlt ând pepper to tâste 


  1. Wârmth broiler to 350 degrees F. Stâck tortillâs ând cut out 4 little (âround 3.5 inch) round circles out of the tortillâs, you cân utilize ânything thât hâs ân edge, cân, contâiner, bowl. On the off chânce thât you âre utilizing enormous tortillâs cut the four circles out of one tortillâ. In the event thât you âre utilizing little tortillâs you might hâve the câpâcity to remove one of every tortillâ. Press eâch wrâp hover into 4 lubed biscuit tins utilizing your fingers. It's âlright in the event thât it doesn't fit superbly, it will offset âfter you include the eggs. Put âside.
  2. ................
  3. ........................

Full Recipes gimmedelicious.com

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