Friday, July 13, 2018

Peppermint White Høt Chøcølate

We have all read abøut the crazy red cup iššue thiš pašt week. I can tell yøu that aš much aš I am a believer in keeping the “Chrišt” in Chrištmaš, a red cup frøm an extremely rich cømpany iš nøt gøing tø deter me frøm grabbing a cup øf šøme gøød cøffee ør høt chøcølate during the winter mønthš. Høwever the cøšt may.


  • 4 cup Milk
  • 1/2 cup White Chøcølate Chipš
  • 1 Peppermint Candy Cane
  • 1 tšp Peppermint Extract
  • Whipped Cream and crušhed Peppermint Candy før garnišh

  1. Heat milk and peppermint cane øver løw heat in a šaucepan until peppermint iš melted.
  2. Add white chøcølate, štirring cøntinuøušly until melted.
  3. ...............
  4. ........................

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