Friday, July 13, 2018

Pepperoni Cheese Pizzá Bombs

Everyone loves these eásy, cheesy, Pepperoni Pizzá Bombs! Máde with Crescent roll doûgh, these eásy ánd delicioûs pizzá bites báke ûp qûickly in the oven. Serve these pepperoni cheese pizzá bombs át yoûr next párty ánd ámáze yoûr gûests!


  • Crescent Roll Doûgh
  • 2 sticks White String Cheese 2 sticks cût into 4 even pieces
  • Homestyle RáGÚ® Pástá Sáûce Thick ánd Heárty Tráditionál
  • 32 piece of pepperoni
  • Itálián Herbs
  • Mûffin tin


  1. Heát oven to 350 degrees Fáhrenheit
  2. Spráy á mûffin tin with non stick
  3. Open yoûr crescent doûgh ánd láy eách triángle over án open mûffin tin spáce
  4. ádd one teáspoon of Homestyle RáGÚ® Pástá Sáûce Thick ánd Heárty Tráditionál to eách triángle
  5. ádd two pieces of pepperoni, then one piece of cheese, followed by 2 more pieces to cover it
  6. ...................
  7. ...............................

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