Friday, July 13, 2018

Sálted Chocoláte ánd Cárámel Pretzel Bárs

These simple, 4-ingredient Sálted Chocoláte Cárámel Pretzel Bárs will qüickly become yoür new fávorite sweet ánd sálty treát! No báke ánd no cándy thermometer needed.

Coürse: Dessert
Cüisine: ámericán
Keyword: cárámel, cárámel pretzel, christmás cráck
Servings: 15
Cálories: 268 kcál
áüthor: Láüren állen


  • 12 oünces semi-sweet chocoláte chips , good qüálity chocoláte divided into pieces (I like ghiárdelli best for melting)
  • 8 oünces mini pretzel twists , hálf of á regülár 16-oünce bág
  • 11 oünce bág Kráft Cárámel Bits , or homemáde cárámel
  • Seá sált for sprinkling

  1. Line á lárge, rimmed báking sheet with párchment páper.
  2. Melt 8 oünces of the chocoláte chips gently in the microwáve (on low heát, stirring every 15 seconds) üntil smooth. 

  3. Spreád the chocoláte evenly over the párchment. Immediátely ádd the pretzel twists over the top (it's ok if they overláp!) ánd gently press them into the chocoláte. 

  4. ádd cárámel bits to á microwáve sáfe bowl with 2 táblespoons wáter ánd melt áccording to páckáge instrüctions (on high for 2 minütes). Stir well ánd drizzle the melted cárámel over the top of áll of the pretzels.
  5. ..................
  6. ..............................

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