Monday, July 16, 2018

Quinóâ Breâkfâst Scrâmble

These quinóâ breâkfâst eggs âre â simple ând nutritióus âppróâch tó begin yóur dây! In the event thât yóu've never hâd quinóâ fór breâkfâst, yóu will lóve the wây it influences yóu tó feel. Cónsólidâte it with smóóth âvócâdó ând â cónsummâtely cóóked egg, ând yóu hâve â stândóut âmóngst óther sólid breâkfâst fórmulâs yóu cóuld discóver. With ónly six fixings, this breâkfâst quinóâ bówl is shóckingly heâvenly.


  • 1/2 glâss cóóked quinóâ 
  • 2 eggs mixed 
  • 1/2 âvócâdó cubed 
  • 1 tâblespóón sâlsâ 
  • 1/2 teâspóón lemón pepper 
  • 1/4 teâspóón gârlic sâlt 


  1. Plâce quinóâ in â serving dish prómótión tóp with eggs ând âvócâdó.
  2. ..............
  3. ...................

Full Recipes

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