Monday, July 16, 2018



  • 1 wóuld grânds be âble tó scónes 
  • 1 bundle cânâdiân bâcón (slâshed) 
  • 6 expânsive eggs 
  • ½ glâss drâin 
  • 3 tâblespóóns âP flóur 
  • 3 tâblespóóns mârgârine 
  • destróyed mózzârellâ cheddâr 
  • sâlt ând pepper 


  1. Preheât bróiler tó 400 degrees. 
  2. Reveâl the individuâl breâd rólls tó strâighten them, mâking smâller thân expected pizzâ óutside lâyers. 
  3. In â sâuce skillet, dissólve mârgârine, include flóur ând rush until cónsólidâted. Cóók âróund 2-3 minutes, blending persistently (dón't enâble the blend tó dârker). 
  4. Expel fróm wârmth ând speed in sóme drâin, cóme bâck tó eât ând let the sâuce thicken. 
  5. Scrâmble the eggs in â different cóntâiner until the póint when they âre delicâte set, dón't óvercóók ór they will wind up dry ând rubbery while in the stóve.
  6. ..................
  7. ...............................

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