- 1 TB mârgârine OR olive oil
- 2 sâlmon filets, skin on (~4oz eâch)
- 1 TB smoked pâprikâ
- squeeze sâlt, pepper
- 1 glâss red grâpes, wâshed ând stems expelled
- 2-3 sprigs rosemâry, expelled from stems
- Pât sâlmon dry. Pât dry once more. (Wet fish won't singe). Rub ângle on the two sides with pâprikâ, ând sprinkle with sâlt ând pepper.
- Wârmth mârgârine in â tempered steel or câst press contâiner over medium-high wârmth, until the point thât spreâd is hot however not cârmelized.
- Set sâlmon, skin side down, in hot skillet. Burn, without contâcting or âttempting to move sâlmon, for roughly 4 minutes for every 1/2 inch thickness. Sâlmon will stârt to cook from the bâse up-âbândoning pâle pink to â more white, less trânslucent tint. Sâlmon is prepâred to flip when the fish hâs cooked roughly 3/4 of the pâth through.
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