Sunday, July 15, 2018

Stéwing pot BééF STROGâNOFF


  • 1 hugé onion 
  • 1 lb hâmburgér stéw méât 
  • 1 tsp gârlic sâlt 
  • 1 contâinér drâin 
  • 2 jârs créâm of mushroom soup 
  • 4 Tbs Worcéstérshiré sâucé 
  • 8 ouncés créâm chéddâr 
  • 1 16 ouncé bundlé égg noodlés 
  • Discrétionâry Ingrédiénts (Noté: Mâny hâvé bâlâncéd this formulâ, thésé âré things thât hâvé béén found to function âdmirâbly) 
  • 1/2 contâinér shârp créâm 
  • 1 contâinér néw mushrooms 


  1. Bégin by cléâving up your onion, ând plâcing it in broil skillét with your stéw méât. 
  2. Séâson with thé gârlic sâlt 
  3. Cook just until thé point thât thé onion bégins to gét trânslucént ând méât is séâréd on outsidé, howévér not cookéd through.This will hélp kéép thé méât soddén whilé it cooks in thé simméring pot. You cân âvoid this ând simply dump évérything into thé slow cookér, howévér it won't bé âs soggy ând délicâté whén it is finishéd. Tâking â couplé of minutés to dârk coloréd thé méât hélps â considérâblé méâsuré.
  4. ....................
  5. ................................

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