Thursday, August 2, 2018

Beef and Lentil Stew


  • 2 tâblespoons olive oil 
  • 2 1/2 pounds meât throw, cut into 3/4 inch 3D shâpes 
  • 1 onion, hâcked 
  • 3 gârlic cloves, minced 
  • 4 cârrots, cut 
  • 3 huge celery stâlks, cut 
  • 1/2 contâiner dried green or dârk colored lentils 
  • 28 ounce contâiner of smâshed tomâtoes 
  • 6 contâiners meât stock 
  • 1 contâiner dry red wine 
  • 3 inlet tâkes off 
  • 1 tâblespoon dried thyme 
  • Squeeze of câyenne pepper 
  • 3 tâblespoons new hâcked târrâgon 
  • Sâlt ând Pepper 


  1. Wârmth the oil in â huge pot over medium-high wârmth. Sâuté the onions for 3-4 minutes, ât thât point include the hâmburger ând gârlic. 
  2. Dârk colored the meât, mixing frequently, for 5-10 minutes.
  3. ......................
  4. ....................................

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