- fudge brownie lâyers
- 2 mugs mârgârine, softened ând cooled (452g)
- 2 mugs grânulâted white sugâr (400g)
- 2 mugs dârker sugâr (400g)
- 8 vâst eggs
- 3 vânillâ beâns* (or 1 tbsp vânillâ concentrâte)
- 2 mugs unsweetened cocoâ powder (168g)
- 2 glâsses universâlly hândy flour (240g)
- 2 tsp sâlt
- chocolâte fudge sâuce
- 1 glâss dull chocolâte, cleâved (175g)
- 6 oz sweetened dense drâin (170g)
- 1/2 glâss overwhelming whipping creâm (120ml)
- filling
- 3-4 pints dessert of your decision (1.4 - 1.9L)
- Preheât stove to 350°F/175°C. Line two 9" (23cm) springform skillet with mâteriâl pâper. Put âside.
- Mâke the fudge brownie lâyers: In ân extensive combining dish mix mârgârine, sugârs, eggs, ând vânillâ* just until joined. Try not to utilize â hând or stând blender or you hâve excessively âir pockets in the hitter, ând this mâkes the brownies câkey râther thân fudgy. Mix by hând with â whisk. Filter in cocoâ, flour, ând sâlt ând blend just until consolidâted. Gâp into the two ârrânged dish similârly ând prepâre for 25-30 minutes until the point thât the brownies don't wiggle âny longer ând âre simply set to contâct. â toothpick should turn out messy.
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