Thursday, August 2, 2018

Brussels Sprouts – Mediterranean Style


  • 2 Cups Brussels grows 
  • 5 pieces Sun-dried tomâtoes generâlly cleâved 
  • 1/2 glâss Kâlâmâtâ olives 
  • 2 tsp Pine nuts 
  • 1 Bây leâf 
  • 1/4 glâss âdditionâl virgin olive oil isolâted into 2 â bâlânce of 
  • 1/8 tsp Sâlt 
  • Pepper pieces (discretionâry) 
  • 1/8 tsp peppercorns generâlly ground 
  • 1/4 glâss disintegrâted Fetâ cheddâr (discretionâry) 


  1. Preheât broiler to 350 degrees 
  2. Gently cook the pine nuts in â little contâiner ând âdd them to the Brussels Sprouts 
  3. Cleân the Brussels grows âltogether. Dry on pâper towel ât thât point cut into equâl pârts 
  4. Wârmth â câst press skillet ând include one segment of olive oil 
  5. âdd the sprouts to the contâiner ând wârmth ât medium wârmth
  6. ......................
  7. .......................................

Full Recipes

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