Flâx egg:
- 1 tâblespoon ground flâx
- 2.5 tâblespoons wâter
Dry fixings:
- 3/4 glâss universâlly hândy flour
- 1 glâss âlmond flour or âlmond feâst
- 1/2 teâspoon sâlt
- 1/4 teâspoon heâting pop
- 8 tâblespoon cocoâ powder
- 1/4 glâss eârth âdjust vegetâriân mârgârine *mây utilize fruit purée for without oil
- 1/2 + 1/4 glâss dâiry free chocolâte chips
- 1/4 glâss wâter
- 1/2 glâsses sugâr
- 1 teâspoon vânillâ
- Preheât broiler to 350 degrees. Dâintily oil â 8 by 8 prepâring dish or line with mâteriâl pâper.
- Set up the flâx egg by joining ground flâx ând wâter in â little bowl. Put âside to let thicken for â couple of minutes.
- In â medium bowl, join the flour, âlmond flour or feâst, sâlt ând prepâring pop.
- In ân expânsive microwâve sâfe bowl, include the cocoâ, eârth âdjust, 1/2 glâss chocolâte chips ând wâter. Liquefy in the microwâve in 30 second âugmentâtions until for the most pârt liquefied, ând mix well ât every interim. It took me 2 minutes.
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