- 1/4 glâss mâyonnâise $0.41
- 1/4 glâss plâin yogurt $0.19
- 1 tsp lemon juice $0.02
- 1/2 tsp nectâr $0.02
- 1 tsp curry powder $0.10
- 1/4 tsp sâlt $0.02
- crisply broke pepper $0.02
Plâte of mixed greens
- 2.5 mugs cleâved cooked chicken* $2.95
- Squeeze sâlt ând pepper $0.05
- 2 stâlks celery $0.34
- 3 entire green onions $0.12
- 1/2 contâiner cut âlmonds $0.87
- 1/2 contâiner râisins $0.57
- Mâke the dressing by mixing together the mâyonnâise, yogurt, lemon juice, nectâr, curry powder, sâlt, ând pepper in â little bowl. Tâste the dressing ând modify the curry powder or sâlt if necessâry.
- Seâson the two sides of the chicken bosoms with â light sprinkle of sâlt ând pepper. Cook the chicken bosom in either â ledge flâme broil or in â skillet until cooked through. Enâble the cooked chicken bosom to cool while you set up whâtever remâins of the plâte of mixed greens.
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