Thursday, August 9, 2018



  • 1 Tbsp margarinê $0.09 
  • 1 Tbsp univêrsally handy flour $0.01 
  • 1 glass êntirê drain $0.31 
  • 1/8 tsp garlic powdêr $0.02 
  • 1/4 tsp salt $0.01 


  1. 1/2 bunch Thin and Crispy Pizza Crust* $0.30 
  2. 1/4 lb. solidifiêd spinach, dêfrostêd (around 1 to 1.5 containêrs) $0.43 
  3. 1 containêr dêstroyêd mozzarêlla $0.63 
  4. 4 hugê êggs $1.03 
  5. Nêwly split pêppêr $0.02 
  6. 1/2 Tbsp cornmêal (for pizza dish - discrêtionary) $0.01 


  1. Changê your broilêr rack to thê most êlêvatêd amount. Start to prêhêat thê broilêr to 500 dêgrêês. 
  2. To influêncê thê whitê saucê, to consolidatê thê margarinê and flour in a littlê saucê pot. Warmth thê margarinê and flour ovêr mêdium-low warmth, whilê racing, until thê point that it starts to stêw. Stêw and whisk thê blênd for around onê momênt. 
  3. Whisk thê drain into thê sprêad and flour blênd. ênablê it to comê up to a stêw oncê morê, whisking rêgularly. Whên it achiêvês a stêw, it will thickên. Kill thê warmth and racê in thê garlic and salt. Put thê saucê asidê to cool (it will thickên furthêr as it cools).
  4. ...................
  5. ................................
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