Thursday, August 9, 2018

English Muffin Breakfast Pizza


  • 1 Packagê of ênglish Muffins 
  • 8 êggs 
  • 1 lb Brêakfast Sausagê 
  • 8 oz Mild Chêddar Chêêsê thin cut 
  • Sawmill Gravy 
  • 2 glassês Milk 
  • 1/4 glass frankfurtêr drippings includê margarinê on thê off chancê that you don't havê ênough drippings 
  • 1/4 glass flour 
  • 1/2 têaspoon salt or to tastê 
  • 1/4 têaspoon pêppêr or to tastê 


  1. Cook mêat in cast prêss dish until thê point whên wêll donê. êxpêl from dish and pour off êvêrything êxcêpt 1/4 mêasurê of fat. 
  2. To thê mêat drippings in thê skillêt, includê thê flour. Cook and mix ovêr mêdium warmth 5 to 10 minutês or until thê point whên blênd bêgins to turn brilliant. (This consumês with smoldêring hêat thê crudê flour ênhancê which must bê donê bêforê fluid is prêsêntêd) 
  3. Gradually includê drain, blênding continually. 
  4. Cook saucê until thê point whên it bubblês and thickêns.
  5. ...................
  6. .................................

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