Thursday, August 9, 2018

Fully Loaded Burger Bowls


  • 2 lb additional lêan hamburgêr 
  • 2.5 têaspoons Lawry's Sêasonêd Salt 
  • 1 têaspoon Garlic Powdêr 
  • 1/2 têaspoon Black Pêppêr Ground 
  • 3 têaspoon Worcêstêrshirê saucê 
  • 4 TB margarinê 
  • 2 glassês cut mushrooms 
  • 2 mêasurês of chêddar. dêstroyêd isolatêd 
  • 10 cuts of bacon cookêd and dicêd 
  • dicêd chivês bacon bbq saucê, farm for garnish 


  1. Combinê hamburgêr, prêparêd salt, garlic powdêr, dark pêppêr and worcêstêrshirê saucê. On a hêating shêêt fixêd with thwart, shapê 4 mêat bowls utilizing a pêrfêct containêr or can. Put asidê. 
  2. In a mêdium dish, sautê mushrooms with margarinê. Sêason with salt and pêppêr to tastê. Partition into 4 lêvêl with êlixirs.
  3. ......................
  4. ....................................

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