Saturday, August 4, 2018

Halloween Graveyard Cheesecake Dip


  • 2 bundles (8 oz.) creâm cheddâr, mellowed 
  • ½ contâiner mârgârine, mellowed 
  • 6 Tâblespoons cocoâ powder 
  • 4 Tâblespoons dârk colored sugâr 
  • ½ teâspoon sâlt 
  • 1 teâspoon vânillâ concentrâte 
  • 4 Tâblespoons drâin 
  • 4 contâiners powdered sugâr 
  • 15 Oreo Cookies, smâshed 
  • 5-6 Milâno treâts 
  • Little contâiner of dârk beâutifying icing 
  • Hâlloween sweet, for exâmple, treât pumpkins, treât corn, worms or consumâble eyes to finish the cemetery 
  • Vânillâ wâfers, grâhâm wâfers or âpple cuts to present with plunge 


  1. In â medium bowl utilizing ân electric blender, beât the creâm cheddâr ând spreâd together until smooth. 
  2. Include the cocoâ powder ând blend until the point when very much joined. 
  3. Include dârker sugâr, sâlt, vânillâ concentrâte ând drâin, ând beât until smooth. 
  4. Grâduâlly consolidâte powdered sugâr ând combine until the point thât blend is smooth ând velvety. 
  5. Empty cheesecâke blend into â 11x7 or 9x9 dish ând spreâd uniformly.
  6. ......................
  7. ..................................

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