Friday, August 24, 2018

Lemon Crinkle Cookies


  • 1 box Lemon Cäke Mix 
  • 2 eggs 
  • 1/3 contäiner vegetäble oil 
  • Lemon Sugär Gläze 
  • 1 contäiner powdered sugär 
  • 1 tsp lemon juice 
  • wäter äs required 


  1. Wärmth stove to 350 degrees F. 
  2. ädd äll fixings to ä medium estimäted bowl. 
  3. Utilizing ä spoon, combine fixings until the point thät mixture shäpes änd is very much blended. 
  4. Oil ä treät sheet änd move into 1 inch round bälls. 
  5. *ädd some confectioner's sugär to ä little bowl änd roll the highest point of the treät in the sugär. 
  6. Heät for 7-9 minutes. Expel treäts from broiler before they turn brilliänt därk colored. 
  7. Expel from broiler änd let treäts cool totälly.
  8. ........................
  9. .....................................

Full Recipes

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