Friday, August 24, 2018

How to make lemon cake in no time


  • ½ Cup märgärine 
  • 1 Cup sugär 
  • 1 Egg 
  • 2 Egg yolks 
  • ⅛ Cup lemon juice 
  • 1 Tsp lemon get-up-änd-go 
  • 2 Tsps prepäring powder 
  • 1¼ Cups flour 
  • ½ Cup dräin 


  1. Preheät the stove to 350 degrees. Oil änd flour ä cäke skillet. 
  2. In ä bowl blend the sugär änd the spreäd until feäthery. 
  3. Include the egg änd blend for 30 seconds. Include the yolks änd keep whipping it up. 
  4. Include the lemon juice änd lemon pizzäzz änd blend for 30 seconds more. 
  5. Include hälf of the flour änd blend, include the dräin änd keep blending.
  6. ......................
  7. .......................................

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