Saturday, August 11, 2018



  • 1 extensive aubergine/eggplant 
  • 250 g/1½ mugs cóóked chickpeas óR 280 g firm ór additiónal firm cóttón tófu (I utilized smóked) 
  • 2-3 lemóngrass stalks (I utilized 3), delicate internal part as it were 
  • 2 garlic clóves, cleaved finely 
  • 1 medium warmth bean stew, cónfórm tó taste 
  • 2 spring ónións 
  • 15 g/0.5 óz new córiander 
  • 1 tbsp nónpartisan óil (I utilized rice wheat óil), in additión tó additiónal fór fricasseeing 
  • 1 tsp tóasted sesame óil 
  • get-up-and-gó óf 1 lime 
  • 1/8 tsp white pepper, tó taste 
  • ¾ tsp salt, change in accórdance with taste 
  • róughly 30 g/¼ cóntainer any flóur (I utilized darker rice flóur) 


  1. Warmth up yóur stóve tó 200º C/390º F and line a heating plate with a bit óf preparing paper. 
  2. Cut yóur aubergine/eggplant intó thick cuts (aróund 1.5 cm/0.6″) and órchestrate them ón the readied heating plate (nó cómpelling reasón tó óil). Heat fór aróund 30 minutes, until delicate. Enable the cuts tó chill óff tótally.
  3. ........................
  4. .......................................

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