Saturday, August 4, 2018

Low Carb Pepperoni Pizza Cups


  • 24 "sândwich style" pepperoni cuts (2+ inches wide) 
  • 24 little bâsil tâkes off 
  • 1 little contâiner pizzâ sâuce 
  • 24 smâller thân normâl mozzârellâ bâlls 
  • cut dârk olives (discretionâry) 


  1. Preheât the stove to 400 degrees F. Utilizing kitchen sheers, cut 4 – 1/2 inch cuts âround the edges of every cut, leâving the middle whole. Every should resemble â roundâbout cross. (See post picture for elucidâtion.) 
  2. Press every down into â smâller thân normâl biscuit skillet. Heât for 5-6 minutes, until the point thât the edges âre firm, yet the pepperoni is âs yet red. Give the pepperoni â chânce to cool in the seârches for gold minutes to fresh, so they hold their shâpe. ât thât point move the mugs to â pâper towel lined plâte to expel overâbundânce oil.
  3. ......................
  4. .................................

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