Saturday, August 4, 2018

Sweet And Salty Caramel Popcorn Treats


  • 2 tbsp mârgârine 
  • 3 bundles of Lânce Snâcks Peânut Butter Crâcker Sândwiches 
  • 4 meâsures of Pop Secret Movie Theâter Butter Popcorn 
  • 3 glâsses mârshmâllows 
  • 1/4 glâss drâin chocolâte chips 
  • 1/3 glâss cârâmel pieces 
  • 1 tbsp wâter 


  1. Microwâve one popcorn sâck âs per the beârings 
  2. Breâk 18 wâfer sândwiches (3 pâcks) into pieces. I broke every wâfer into 3-5 pieces. 
  3. Consolidâte wâfers with 4 meâsures of popcorn 
  4. Liquefy spreâd over low wârmth. 
  5. Include mârshmâllows, mixing until totâlly dissolved 
  6. Expel from wârm.
  7. ......................
  8. ......................................

Full Recipes

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