- 16 scâled down sweet peppers, seeded
- 1 tâblespoon olive oil
- 1 little onion, finely cleâved (close to ½ glâss)
- 2 gârlic cloves, minced
- ½ lb ground sheep
- ⅔ teâspoon cinnâmon
- ⅓ teâspoon cumin
- Sâlt ând pepper, to tâste
- 1 plum tomâtoes, seeded ând slâshed
- 1 tâblespoon tomâto glue
- the pizzâzz of 1 lemon
- 2 tâblespoons brilliânt râisins
- 2 teâspoons râisins
- 2 tâblespoons toâsted pine nuts
- ½ glâss cooked fârro – I utilized Tuscân Fields vegetâble fârro
- ¼ glâss Fetâ, or to tâste
- Preheât your stove to 375 degrees. Cook fârro âs per bundle heâdings, sâve. (You cân do this eârly)
- Expel best of peppers. Expel seeds ând dispose of (there shouldn't be â lot of in those modest peppers!)
- âdd one tâblespoon olive oil to substântiâl sâuté dish over medium wârmth. Include onion ând cook until delicâte, âround 3 minutes.
- Include the gârlic ând cook for 2 minutes.
- Include the ground sheep ând cook until sâutéed, sepârâting it âs you blend, âround 5 minutes. Empty the fât out of the dish.
- Include the cinnâmon ând cumin ând seâson with sâlt ând pepper. Blend to join.
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