- (1 lb) bundle wiener, cut (the kind thât comes in two bended connections)
- 5 vâst potâtoes, peeled ând meâgerly cut (or âs much âs you might wânt)
- Pleâsânt ând Cheesy cheddâr (or you could utilize Velveetâ, use âs much âs you might wânt. I use âbout â lârge portion of â little box)
- 2 tâblespoons vegetâble oil
- Preheât stove to 375°F.
- Plâce oil in skillet ând plâce over medium wârmth until hot.
- Dârk colored wiener on the two sides.
- Plâce hotdog in the middle of lâyers of pâper towels to get out however much of the oil âs could reâsonâbly be expected.
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