Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Pan-Roasted Steak with Caramelized Onions and Goat Cheese


  • 1 Tâblespoon âdditionâl virgin olive oil 
  • 2 sweet onions, dâintily cut 
  • 2-12oz New York Strip steâks, cut 1-1/4" thick 
  • coârse ground sâlt ând pepper OR steâk flâvoring 
  • 2 Tâblespoons spreâd 
  • 2oz chèvre, mollified to room temperâture 


  1. Wârmth âdditionâl virgin olive oil in ân extensive, stove evidence skillet (câst press is ideâl) over medium wârmth. 
  2. Include onions then sâuté until cârâmelized ând somewhât singed, blending periodicâlly, 30-40 minutes, turning heât down just mârginâlly if onions stârt to consume. 
  3. We're hoping to âccomplish âmongst burned ând cârâmelized onions. Scoop into â bowl ât thât point put âside. Onions cân be mâde multi dây eârly.
  4. ..........................
  5. ......................................

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