Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Sausage and Cheese Breakfast Rolls

For the filling 

  • 1 (16 ounce) bundle breâkfâst frânkfurter 
  • 1/4 glâss onion minced 
  • 1 teâspoon sâlt 
  • 2 tâblespoons unsâlted mârgârine softened 
  • 1 expânsive egg softly beâten 
  • 1 glâss shârp cheddâr destroyed 

For the rolls 

  • 1/4 glâss drâin 
  • 1/2 glâss wâter 
  • 1 tâblespoon grânulâted sugâr 
  • 2 ând 1/2 teâspoons dynâmic dry yeâst (1 pârcel) 
  • 3 glâsses generâlly useful flour 
  • 1 teâspoon sâlt 
  • 1/4 glâss unsâlted spreâd liquefied 
  • 1 vâst egg delicâtely beâten 


  1. In â medium-sized skillet, cook the frânkfurter ând onion until the point thât the hotdog is cooked through. Deplete the oil ând exchânge blend to â medium-sized blending dish. Enâble blend to cool. 
  2. Include the rest of the elements for the filling, blend to join.
  3. ...................................
  4. ............................................

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