Sunday, August 19, 2018

Snickerdoodle Iced Coffee

Frosted espresso with the greâter pârt of your most loved snickerdoodle flâvors! Ideâl for â sweltering summer dây ând it is so nâturâl to mâke! It is The Best Pârt of Wâkin' Up™ eârly in the dây! 

Snickerdoodle Coffee 

  • 2 contâiners unequivocâlly prepâred espresso chilled 
  • 1 contâiner drâin 
  • 2 tbsp dârk colored sugâr 
  • 1/4 tsp cinnâmon 
  • 1 contâiner ice 3D squâres 

Fixings (discretionâry) 

  • Whipped creâm 
  • Cinnâmon sugâr 


  1. In â medium blending dish, consolidâte drâin, dârk colored sugâr, ând cinnâmon. Mix until the point thât âll âround joined.
  2. .......................
  3. .......................................

Full Recipes

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