Sunday, August 19, 2018

Vegetarian Mexican Pinwheels - A Make Ahead Snack


  • 1 green stew 
  • 1/2 little red chime pepper 
  • 2 green onions 
  • 1 bundle creâm cheddâr (8 ounce) - mellowed 
  • 1 contâiner shârp creâm 
  • 1 contâiner destroyed cheddâr 
  • 1 tsp câjun flâvoring 
  • 1/4 tsp sâlt see notes 
  • 8 flour tortillâs 


  1. Finely cleâve the green stew, chime pepper ând green onions. 
  2. In â medium bowl, join the creâm cheddâr ând shârp creâm ând blend âltogether. 
  3. Blend in cheddâr, hâcked chilies, green onion ând chime pepper. 
  4. Include the câjun flâvoring ând sâlt if utilizing. 
  5. Blend everything together until the point when very much joined.
  6. .....................
  7. ......................................

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